Thursday, 10 July 2014


"Comparisons are odious" my Nan used to say. How wise! Making a comparison implies a judgement, something is better, or more favorable, or desirable. It may justify the person making the comparison, or release them from understanding the full, complex story. And comparisons are made through our grid, with our own biased or rose-coloured glasses.
Hence, I must be careful in comparing Elcho Island with Wadeye, or with mainstream Australia.
There are statistics about Indigenous health, rates of illnesses, social factors, lots of things. But they don't tell the full story! But they are important facts. Going a level deeper though, the "why" question  is impossible to answer glibly.  I strongly believe that a big part of it is Our Fault.  Invasion; introducing infections, alcohol, smoking, white flour, sugar; destroying culture; misguided (well-intentioned) missions and governments making policies without listening (governments are still doing this) - on it goes. So I don't think "they should ... they shouldn't ... " (eg, they shouldn't smoke, they should exercise...)
The onus is on us as health care workers to explain appropriately, and work with people. I saw someone today who had some thyroid problems. He started over active, had radio-iodine and became under active - quite a common scenario, but difficult to explain. I think I could do a better job if I have another chance!  He came with an Aboriginal Health Practitioner, so I might try to explain it to her a bit better.
Back to comparisons. Certainly there are positives about things here, compared to Wadeye.  It feels much safer - no high fences, locked gates, stealing.  More community harmony, and stronger culture. Similar follow-up challenges (following up results, check ups etc)
Comparing the physical environment - well, there is special beauty everywhere, and I like to be open to seeing it. But, it only goes so far in making a comparison.

House bits
The house I'm in is upstairs. Downstairs is mostly open to the weather. The laundry is there - open to the the red dirt...  (I cleaned it after this. Probably need to use it sometime!)

Top of the stairs

Out walking after work:

Just growing by the path;

Planes come & go all the time


1 comment:

  1. Hi Joy. Hope you are having a fantastic time Up north. Waiting to see updates
