Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Nhulunbuy via Darwin!

19 August 
It's great to be back in Nhulunbuy. That's an understatement! 
The time in Darwin was good, worthwhile I think. The 5 days went really quickly. I was rostered supernumerary to ED Majors each day. I had orientation, and the first day I just watched, trying to work out how to use the computer systems, and also being involved in things happening. I think I was a bit spacey! The next days I saw patients and also had time to be involved in procedures and things, including one successful recovery from cardiac arrest! The Majors section of ED is amazing really, so busy. It's a big place, with 260 staff (that's for the whole ED). And they can't go on bypass, well, there's nowhere else for people to go. 
While there, I was able to go to the weekly Yolngu language course class at the uni. I shared a taxi with an Aboriginal Health Practitioner from Daly River! Felt like someone from home! He was in Darwin upskilling in palliative care, which was so encouraging to hear. The language class was great, so good to meet people and clarify a few things.
So now, Nhulunbuy. It just feels so good to be here. So good to see Andy, Cathy and the girls. I've had 2 days hospital orientation and then the weekend off, and I've now worked 2 days in ED. I'm starting to feel more comfortable with the systems. It feels like a good vibe. 
Out birdwatching last weekend, a lady came up with binoculars! We got talking. She's been here for many years and is very knowledgeable - and happy to have a companion for birdwatching! We'll try for once a week or so. 
Tim's gone down to Victoria for Rae Kube's funeral. It's today. I'm so glad he was able to go. She was such a special person. Having booked, he nearly didn't make it, because the flight to Cairns was delayed 5 hours! That's relatively common here. Fortunately we found out the night before, and he could get a later flight to Melbourne. He'll travel back tomorrow. I'm hoping it'll be a good family time, a significant time to honour Rae, and a special time to connect with others.

Now the other news. Rikky is engaged to Will Goodrich! We are very pleased. He's a great guy and they are good together. They share a strong faith connection, a love of outdoors, and a laid back approach to life. So it's all very exciting. 

Part of the Yolngu kinship system: so important to understand this, to know how to relate. One of my ED patients was a son from Wandwuy.

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