Saturday, 16 November 2013

Bass Coast Cycle Challenge

I rode 53 km today - not quite better from the Virus: 2 days ago I vomited my breakfast & slept most of the day after that. Yesterday I felt better & was able to work, but Tim is crook! He wasn't going to ride anyway, because of his sore knee. 
It was a good ride, although I felt quite full of breakfast the whole way & burped a lot! I didn't eat anything but had a few sips of water. I didn't stop for refreshments (not hungry!). Overall I enjoyed the ride, even the hills, I passed a few people and was passed by many many more. 
We had a "team" from work, but I didn't see them afterwards as I had to get home quickly to leave for Melbourne. The  others all did the 42km. 2 had done some training, the other 2 none (but young enough to get away with it).  
That's the last long ride before the Great Vic - I hope to do 2 shorter ones in the next few days, that's it.

This is Andy, Tim & I last year
I might have some photos from today to post later

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