Monday, 25 November 2013

Day 3: 95km!

Portland to Port Fairy
A long way - we just kept going. 
Quite an achievement!

You'll have to believe me: we saw a koala with baby in a tree. So many cyclists going past, all they could do was sit there
We also saw a pair of Gang-gang cockatoos - I thought they were black cockies but they were too small, & then I saw the male's red head. I also saw 2 pelicans flying overhead, one near the start, & one the finish. In addition, a huge flock of corellas whirling about & making a lot of noise. 
It was hard going today, a long haul into a head wind - but a lot warmer & sunny. 

Fill up water at a rest stop:

We were a bit late packing up today, and our closest truck was full, then the next one! But the third had heaps of room. 
Tim's cousin Andy U'Ren & his wife Susan passed us on a tandem, with 2 friends. 
When we got here, we met our riding partner from yesterday - she's camping very near us & recognised our bikes! That's amazing, in a crowd of 5000! It's a huge campsite, very spread out. Our luggage truck is a long way from the central area. It's a lovely camping spot. 
We're going out for tea with the Carters, special friends from Warrnambool. Will be great to see them. 

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